Option Explicit Public Type BROWSEINFO hOwner As Long pidlRoot As Long pszDisplayName As String lpszTitle As String ulFlags As Long lpfn As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type '32-bit API declarations Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) _ As Long Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long Function GetDirectory(Optional Msg) As String Dim bInfo As BROWSEINFO Dim path As String Dim r As Long, x As Long, pos As Integer ' Root folder = Desktop bInfo.pidlRoot = 0& ' Title in the dialog If IsMissing(Msg) Then bInfo.lpszTitle = "Seleziona una cartella" Else bInfo.lpszTitle = Msg End If ' Type of directory to return bInfo.ulFlags = &H1 ' Display the dialog x = SHBrowseForFolder(bInfo) ' Parse the result path = Space$(512) r = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal x, ByVal path) If r Then pos = InStr(path, Chr$(0)) GetDirectory = Left(path, pos - 1) Else GetDirectory = "" End If End Function Sub inizio() Dim Messaggio As String Messaggio = "Scegli la directory" risposta = GetDirectory(Messaggio) End Sub